12 years instrument development manufacturer.


radiation sensor

You’re in the right place for radiation sensor.By now you already know that, whatever you are looking for, you’re sure to find it on ONETEST.we guarantee that it’s here on ONETEST.
ONETEST go through a polishing process once it is processed by CNC machines. It is gauged, calibrated and then polished to a perfect finish in a wide range of colors and designs. .
We aim to provide the highest quality radiation sensor.for our long-term customers and we will actively cooperate with our customers to offer effective solutions and cost benefits.
  • What is radon gas
    What is radon gas
    Radon gas, a colorless, tasteless, odorless radioactive gas, is widely found in nature. It is produced by the decay of radioactive elements in soil, rock, and water. Although the content of radon gas is low in nature, its potential harm to human health cannot be ignored. This article will introduce radon sources in detail,
  • Nuclear radiation sensor -MR-10 series
    Nuclear radiation sensor -MR-10 series
         The MR-10 series radiation sensor module adopts micro GM counters both domestically and internationally, jointly developed by Wanyi Technology and Russian Counter Company. The data is stable and reliable, and it can quickly detect the hardness of the environment or products in real time β,γ And X-ray, and quickly search for radioactive sources. Used for the integration of radiation devices such as personal dosimeters and radiation detectors, which have been calibrated at the factory. Users can directly read data through the RS485 digital communication protocol.
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